Jacelynn Kindreth

Knight of the Grave   Relic Sworn   Rat Wrangler  

Known more for her skill with a scalpel and medical knowledge than her warm and welcoming demeanor.

The doctor was an oddity amongst the Order, having never wielded a sword prior to donning the tabard. She was trained by the best the Order had to offer in terms of swordplay which has proven vital to her survival in the often ‘kill or be killed’ nature of the Order’s work.

Dr. Kindreth has found a home amongst the faithful and tend to their wounds as they come, albeit with a sigh and furrowed brow.

Ready to Serve the Light?

The Order of Ash is always looking for new characters to take part in our guild events and rp. Light-based characters, zealots, or characters that are new to the faith are all welcome to join the Order's ranks. Have a character doesn't quite fit the bill? Consider applying to join Tol Barad!

From shining paladins to keen-eyed huntsmen, there's a place for all sorts within the Order's ranks. Healers, arcane mages, scouts, and many other varieties of characters can grow in the twice a week rp events. Past themes include hunting down persons of interest, holy and unholy relics, and pursuing a variety of death knights after the events of the shattered sky. Reach out today to learn more!

Interested in the Order?

Reach out to one of us on discord about joining, co-hosting an event, or just to chat using the links below!


[ Sibs ]


[ Kama ]
[ Ashe ]
[ Jaharix ]
[ Crepe ]