Recent Event Highlights

At 2 regular events a week, this page would quickly overflow with content if they were all included. Highlights, screenshots, and short summaries of the Order's current storylines will be posted as they happen below!

Another Plague Destroyed

With the death of Grimstone, Order forces proceeded deeper into Blackrock mountain to learn more of the draconic forces that seemed to be in play in the region. Fighting through waves of patch-work undead, they found the source of the unholy doings that aided the Thane in his brief return to the throne. A dracolich faced them on their discovery of a trove of information that dated back to the Titans themselves, engaging them in a hard-fought battle that left many of the Order dead or heavily wounded, even with the destruction of the creature itself.

With the conclusion of the Order's Steppes-based campaign, they returned to Tol Barad for some much needed rest and recovery. Their preparation for the next call to aid begins.

An End to Grimstone

With the death of the kin essential to him rising to power once more, the Order moved in to rid the Steppes of the long-dead creature that had been plaguing them. Cutting their way through the Thane's undead, they fought their way through, finding Grimstone powerless on his throne. With his death, peace has been retaken, and the careful tipping of the scales have been righted once more.

With the death of Oathbrand, the campaign begins to draw to a close... but something else lurks behind, waiting to be uncovered.


Oathbrand, an Order scribe, killed two others and fled the camp. Revealed to be a distant descendent of the Thane himself, the man was being used as a tool by Grimstone, unable to control himself or the dark actions that led him to flee. Though a trusted and honored Brother of the Order, having served with them both in Northrend and the field after, the Order was forced to hunt him down and destroy him in order to deny the Thane another essential tool in his journey to trying to reclaim the throne. May the Light protect his soul.

Thane Grimstone and the rise of his army of the Branded are both part of the Order's latest Burning Steppes-based campaign. Starting with a call to aid by the Thorium Brotherhood, the Order has pursued information on the strange events that seem to plague the region. With the death of his kin, a vital blow has been struck against the Thane himself.

Ash Above, Trouble Below

In order to aid the Thorium Brotherhood, the Brothers and Sisters of the Order proceeded deep into the mines of the Cauldron to drive out both the Branded dwarves and those that intended to lay their own claim on the winding passageways. After clearing out members of the Venture corp and tainted dwarves alike, they discovered an unusual amulet that Grimstone himself seemed to have a keen interest in...

Thane Grimstone and the rise of his army of the Branded are both part of the Order's latest Burning Steppes-based campaign. Starting with a call to aid by the Thorium Brotherhood, the Order has pursued information on the strange events that seem to plague the region. They draw ever closer to taking down the Thane himself!

More Than One Enemy

Pursuing a lead given by a captured black dragonkin, the Order proceeded deeper into the long-abandoned depths of Blackrock, hoping to uncover more of the strange presence of the undead creatures in the area. Working their way through sealed chambers and hosts of ghostly guards, they came upon another idol of their unknown adversary; an undead dragonkin. Bringing down the creature was the duty of the Brothers and Sisters of the Order, and so they did, their hunt for the source of such vile creatures continuing.

The undead dragonkin and the mysteries of Blackrock Mountain are both part of the Order's latest Steppes-focused campaign.


After learning more of the so-called 'branded' dark irons, the Order moved on Blackrock itself to learn more of the trouble that had risen once again. After setting up a base of operations, the city quickly came under siege by Thane Grimstone's forces, forcing the Order to retreat and regroup in the gorge to the north of the Steppes.

Thane Grimstone and the rise of his army of the Branded are both part of the Order's latest Burning Steppes-based campaign. Starting with a call to aid by the Thorium Brotherhood, the Order has pursued information on the strange events that seem to plague the region.

Trouble In The Steppes

Reports of strangely marked dark iron dwarves in the Burning Steppes have drawn the attention of the Order. Together with the Thorium Brotherhood, they marched into the planes, breaking through blockades of these strange dwarves along the way... some of whom seemed to rise again in some strange state of undeath.

With the call for aid once more falling on the ears of the Order, they march towards a new, unknown danger.

The Fall Of The Banshee

After an assault on the death knight's last stronghold, the Order of Ash and its allies emerged victorious. With the combined might of the Argent forces, Alliance deserters, and Furbolg warriors, a swift assault took place on Northrend's northernmost island. Spearheading a force into the furthest reaches of the island, the Order was able to use a soultrap to contain the banshee permanently.

With the conclusion of the Order's Northrend-based campaign, they returned to Tol Barad to lick their wounds and address some of the growing problems that the island had experienced in their absence. With several new initiates joining their forces, their preparation for the next call to aid begins.

MoonCatcher Retreats!

After several months of back and forth with the Order of Ash's forces and their allies and one last attempt to squash their forces, the death knight Mooncatcher has retreated to Icecrown to regain her strength. With the recent meeting between the Order's allies completed, the force will begin its march north to put an end to Catcher and her undead forces.

Mooncatcher and other prominent death knights are part of the Order's latest Northrend-based campaign. Starting after the events of the Shattered Sky, the Order pursued leads on increased undead activity around the southern lands, culminating in their pursuit of a death knight by the name of MoonCatcher. After several months of operating out of Amberpine Lodge, the order has garnered enough support from the people of Northrend to march on their weakened enemy.

The Wolf Cult Returns

After reports of unusual Vrykul activity in the southeast, the Order uncovered new signs of the Wolf Cult that previously plagued the residents of Grizzly Hills. Combined with the forces of the Vrykul, the cultists sought to spread the curse throughout friendly Alliance forces in the area.

After fighting their way through ambushes, Order forces were able to destroy a majority of the cultist's forces and stop the ritual from completing. Though the day was won, the shaman behind the cult's actions is still at large...

The End Of Sister

After receiving intel and the assistance of one of the death knight's former mages, Order forces were able to infiltrate a necropolis in order to bring down Sister, one of the death knights vying for power in the north after the events of the Shattered Sky. After sabotaging the necropolis itself, the Order was able to defeat Sister and narrowly escape before the floating fortress crashed from the sky.

Sister and other prominent death knights are part of the Order's latest Northrend-based campaign. Starting after the events of the Shattered Sky, the Order pursued leads on increased undead activity around the southern lands, culminating in their pursuit of a death knight by the name of MoonCatcher. After learning of the struggle for power in the North, the Order moved to secure a foothold in the Grizzly Hills and has been fighting the undead menace since then.

Interested in the Order?

Reach out to one of us on discord about joining, co-hosting an event, or just to chat using the links below!


[ Sibs ]


[ Kama ]
[ Ashe ]
[ Jaharix ]
[ Crepe ]