Carlisle Lanris

Custode   Zealot   Ruskin's #1 Fan  

Dedication. A word that defines the huntsman. Some would use the term zeal and they would not be mistaken. It means the same thing after all. But with zeal comes a certain level of fanaticism. Calling Carlisle Lanris a fanatic almost seems cheap. He is a pious man, true. But he is of a tempered faith. Born and bred, raised, trained under the principles of the Church of the Holy Light. The huntsman is a testament to the Lights doctrine. He is Inexorable in his drive to cleanse the world of the impure. He shall never waver.

Ready to Serve the Light?

The Order of Ash is always looking for new characters to take part in our guild events and rp. Light-based characters, zealots, or characters that are new to the faith are all welcome to join the Order's ranks. Have a character doesn't quite fit the bill? Consider applying to join Tol Barad!

From shining paladins to keen-eyed huntsmen, there's a place for all sorts within the Order's ranks. Healers, arcane mages, scouts, and many other varieties of characters can grow in the twice a week rp events. Past themes include hunting down persons of interest, holy and unholy relics, and pursuing a variety of death knights after the events of the shattered sky. Reach out today to learn more!

Interested in the Order?

Reach out to one of us on discord about joining, co-hosting an event, or just to chat using the links below!


[ Sibs ]


[ Kama ]
[ Ashe ]
[ Jaharix ]
[ Crepe ]