Ajax Stravenor

Knight of the Grave   Inquisitor  

Ajax isn’t super tall, coming in at 6’ and his body, while not lithe, is still on the thinner side with hard ‘whipcord’ musculature. He’s broadly built but not quite at what someone would call a healthy weight. He has chestnut brown hair, though that’s only on his face. He’s not naturally bald, but instead chooses to use a razor to remove all hair from the top of his head. His skin is pale due to spending a lot of time indoors reading/researching/what have you, and the time spent outdoors is usually at dusk or night to take enemies by surprise. He has very aquiline features with a prominent nose bridge that steeply slopes down to the tip. Almost like a woodblock shoved in his face at a slight angle. He has piercing silver eyes which are the result of the accident that severed him from the light during his time as a paladin. He usually has a very severe, humorless look on his face but that’s just resting bitch face for the most part. He looks to be early 30s despite his age of 56, and has noticed he hasn’t been aging properly for quite a few years (as he confessed to Carlisle during his introductory interview when first coming to the order.) He wears travel clothing with bits of leather armor protecting more vital bits of his body, and always wears his normal hat which he seems to be very attached to, and very frequently hides his eyes from casual eye contact unless in combat, when it’s pushed back a bit to allow him a better field of view. He uses a spear, rifle, and alchemical orbs (usually fire, but sometimes more caustic or acidic mixtures). His fighting style with the spear is more ‘wushu’ with sweeping slashes and haft attacks rather than the jabs and short slashes normally associated with spear combat.

Ready to Serve the Light?

The Order of Ash is always looking for new characters to take part in our guild events and rp. Light-based characters, zealots, or characters that are new to the faith are all welcome to join the Order's ranks. Have a character doesn't quite fit the bill? Consider applying to join Tol Barad!

From shining paladins to keen-eyed huntsmen, there's a place for all sorts within the Order's ranks. Healers, arcane mages, scouts, and many other varieties of characters can grow in the twice a week rp events. Past themes include hunting down persons of interest, holy and unholy relics, and pursuing a variety of death knights after the events of the shattered sky. Reach out today to learn more!

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